Monday, March 18, 2013


I'm going to start with creating a closure.  Landin [1] defined a closure as a lambda expression whose open variables have been closed by lexical environment, creating a closed expression.  So, let's start with a lambda expression as represented in C#:

(x, y) => x.AddYears(int.Parse(y.ToString()) + z * k)
Fig. 1.1: A lambda expression in C#

There is a lot we don't know for certain about this lambda expression.  We can infer that x is a DateTime, but that isn't necessarily the case, and y could be almost anything.  This lambda expression at least needs type declarations for these variables, so let's provide them:

Func<DateTime, int, DateTime> f =
    (x, y) => x.AddYears(int.Parse(y.ToString()) + z * k);

Fig. 1.2: A lambda expression in C#, partially disambiguated by its environment

Here, we have implicitly defined the types of x and y by assigning the lambda expression to a delegate whose type has been made explicit.  Now, we have a lambda expression with two open variables, z and k.  In order to create a closure, we need to close the variables z and k using the lexical environment of the expression.

Suppose the expression appears in the following environment:

DateTime g() {
    int z = DateTime.Now.Year;
    int k = 13;
    Func<DateTime, int, DateTime> f =
        (x,y) => x.AddYears(int.Parse(y.ToString()) + z * k);

Fig. 1.3: A lamba expression in its lexical environment

In this environment, we now have all of the information we need to populate the closure.  In Landin's terms, a closure has an "environment part" and a "control part".  Using those terms, our closure record (for the lambda expression only) could look like this:

Environment Part {
    Symbol {
        Name: z;
        Type: int;
        Value: DateTime.Now.Year;
    Symbol {
        Name: k;
        Type: int;
        Value: 13;
Control Part {
    Parameter {
        Name: x;
        Type: DateTime;
    Parameter {
        Name: y;
        Type: string;
    Value Expression: x.AddYears(int.Parse(y.ToString()) + z * k);
Fig. 1.4: A preliminary mockup of a closure record
In the next post, I'll unpack the structure of the value expression.

[1] P. J. Landin (1964), The mechanical evaluation of expressions

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