Monday, March 18, 2013


In the last post, I worked out how the C# compiler represents lambda expressions as classes.  Naturally, then, curried functions should be represented as classes, too.  There are several different ways to handle this.  The method sketched out in pseudo-code here is only one of them, where I have tried to limit redundancy and memory at the possible expense of performance.  The reason I am doing it this way is because I have a motto: "Make it first, then make it fast".  Right now I can see the memory and redundancy tradeoff, but I don't even know how much performance I am buying by trying to optimize. Later, if I encounter performance problems, then I can come back and evaluate how much memory is worth how much speed.

The approach here is to declare the uncurried function as a class like the one we saw in Fig. 3.1, then to declare a chain of classes to represent the stages of currying.

// This is the uncurried function
class MyFunction {
    // Environment Part
    public int32 z;
    public int32 k;

    // Control Part
    public DateTime Value(DateTime x, int32 y) {
        return x.AddYears(int.Parse(y.ToString()) + z * k);

    // Currier
    public MyFunctionCurried1 Curry(DateTime x) {
        return new MyFunctionCurried1(this, x);

// This is the function with one parameter curried
class MyFunctionCurried1 {
    private MyFunction _curriedFrom;
    private DateTime x;

    public MyFunctionCurried1(MyFunction curriedFrom, DateTime x) {
        this._curriedFrom = curriedFrom;
        this.x = x;

    // Control Part
    public DateTime Value(int32 y) {
        return this._curriedFrom.Value(x, y);

    // Currier
    public MyFunctionCurried2 Curry(int32 y) {
        return new MyFunctionCurried2(this, y);

// This is the function with both parameters curried
class MyFunctionCurried2 {
    private MyFunction _curriedFrom;
    private int32 y;

    public MyFunctionCurried2(MyFunctionCurried1 curriedFrom, int32 y) {
        this._curriedFrom = curriedFrom;
        this.y = y;

    // Control Part
    public DateTime Value() {
        return this._curriedFrom.Value(y);

Fig. 4.1: A curry chain (C#-like pseudocode)

So far, so good.  In the next post I'll introduce function signatures as interfaces, so I can pass functions (and their curried variants) around to higher order functions.

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